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Research Articles

Addiction is a very complex thing, and to find ways to evaluate it according to definitive and quantitative standards is just as complex.  It's not possible, then, to give any easy answers to how effective treatment can be for substance abuse, although we are constantly evaluating new criteria for measurements.  The difficulty in making any certain assessments comes in part from the uncertainty that's simply inherent to the disease.  The addict is a subject that's very difficult to quantify.  It's not only because we're dealing with a human being, where by nature we are resistant to being meas

How Effective is the Treatment for Substance Abuse

Alex Concepcion no comments
The question of substance abuse is a growing concern for all individuals and families from diverse social demographics and cultural backgrounds. The manner in which substance abuse and addiction problems are addressed and treated also various with societies as well as individuals though certain components are becoming universally accepted. Part of the individual treatment plan for an addiction will be based on the personal history of the client and the indicated caused of their abuse or addiction.

What Causes Substance Abuse?

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Drug treatment programs and individual planning is a continually growing industry and the need for these essential social treatment services is the continually growing issue that creates the demand. People are not only addicted to street drugs as was the case ten or twenty years ago and helped to contribute to the stereotype that persons with drug addictions and substance abuse issues were the criminal and degenerate elements in society.

How to Write a Treatment Plan for Substance Abuse

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The times are a changing, and not for the better in England.  Recent statistics demonstrate that children who are just nine years old are in drug and alcohol substance abuse facilities.  Cocaine, heroin, vodka: the list is endless.  These are just a few of their addictions.  Perhaps more disturbing still is that the statistics have actually doubled in the past 2 years.   According to statistics in 2006, about 10 kids went into rehab per day.  These children were 15 years old or younger.

Junkies at Age Nine: Children in Rehab

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People who reside in the same home as an addict often do not realize the extent of the problem, or that there is a problem, for that matter, and willingly providing justifications and explanations for the behavior of an addict while attempting to cover up the problem from other people.  Though friends and family of an addict might assume this sort of action is caring—and may be well intention—ultimately such denial exacerbates the problem and makes it more critical.

Addicted to Addicts

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The initial thing people do at Alcoholics Anonymous is claim to be powerless.  Though a popular form of treatment for drug and alcohol addiction for many years, the Narcotics and Alcoholics Anonymous organizations confront heavy criticism these days from a growing number of people in the medical field.  Though the program certainly does work for some addicts, admitting to being powerless can often provide a much different effect than intended: it can increase the probability an addict will return to drugs or continue to use.  Further, the feeling of powerlessness is typically the reason people

Narcotics and Alcoholics Anonymous Powerless?

Alex Concepcion no comments
Self-esteem is a large part of addiction.  Many addicts judge themselves incapable and helpless because of addiction, a belief only providing more cause for low self-esteem.  Worsening this further, addicts also often assume they do not deserve the love of those close to them and feel spiritually deficient, considering the addiction a grave transgression for which there is no forgiveness.  With these various causes for poor self-esteem, it makes recovery extremely difficult.  There are often deep psychological scars, too, from abuse and trauma of many kinds—sexual, psychological, and verbal. 

Self-Esteem and Addiction

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Alcohol detox helps a person start recovering from alcohol, yet the process is more complicated than its simple definition would suggest.  Overseen by a doctor or other medical professional, detox aids with withdrawal symptoms.

Basics of Alcohol Detox

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Detox is an arduous process, and often more difficult to attend for prescription drugs abusers because people consider prescriptions safe to use and because, typically, a doctor prescribes them.  Though legal, it is the illegal way in which people employ these drugs that causes such serious problems.  When patients start to manipulate the system, for example, going to three different doctors at the same time for prescriptions of Valium, OxyContin, Benzodiazepines, etc.; it is no longer for health related causes.  Prescriptions drugs can be more dangerous since people consider them to be safer,

Prescription Drug Addiction and Rehab

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Besides water, alcohol is one of the oldest beverages in history.  Beer was believed to be consumed as early as 10,000 BC (a staple item in many households even before bread) and wine was drunk by early Egyptians around 4,000 BC.  As a result, alcoholism is one of the oldest forms of addiction.  Millions of families are affected each year by the abuse of alcohol in the home and DUI related accidents.  In order to stop this cycle of violence and abuse, we must first be aware of the risk factors.

Alcoholism: Risk Factors, Signs, and Symptoms

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