If you or someone you love is suspected of being addicted to drugs, this is a frightening position to be in, though there are resources to help you or your loved one through the difficult process of detoxification and recovery from the addiction. The type of drug addiction treatment program that is needed for your particular situation may be dependent on the degree of use and type of substance that is being abused.
Sometimes a person may only have a drink once or twice a week, but because there is a strong history of alcohol abuse in their family is concerned that they may develop a problem. This is an extremely wise person and due to their preventative status attending weekly meetings or meeting with a private therapist may be enough to determine the potential danger of addiction. However, the chronic twenty four hour maintenance drinker who has had a certain level of alcohol present in their system for years will most definitely need to go to a certified detox center or their withdrawal may be fatal.
These all sound like confusing situations that require differing degrees of response and handling. However, there are great resources to help you decide what is necessary for your situation, regardless of the particular drug or alcohol to which you might be addicted. And as a general rule, if you are not dependent on a drug or alcohol or do not use it everyday, or have had any negative life effects or legal consequences of your use, you are probably not in a crisis situation. In this case it is likely safe to investigate various information resources and possible meet with a qualified counselor.
If you are considering entering into a drug addiction treatment facility, you will want to look into one that is most appropriate for the chemical to which you are addicted. In addition, there are differing price scales for these treatment centers and they can be pretty expensive. Fortunately many insurance policies will cover the expense. Unfortunately, many addicts don’t have insurance. Some of the things you can expect from almost all in-house care facilities will be designated scheduled activities that account for the bulk of your time. There will be various group meetings as well as individual counseling and educational groups. You will most likely also be required to perform at least one daily chore that contributes to the upkeep of the facility. Personal items are allowed to be brought in on a limited basis and you will want to check with a specific facility to find out what their particular policy is.
If you or a loved one has a drug or alcohol problem one of our listed facilities may be able to help.