No one can tell you when to stop smoking marijuana, but those who have done it successfully have provided tips on how to stop smoking. Like most things that are difficult to do, people tend to procrastinate. Setting an actual date on which to stop smoking can be helpful. Don’t tell yourself that you’ll quit once you’ve finished your present stash, or some vague time, such as a week before school begins or some time next month. It’s easy to pick up another stash as soon as the “final” stash is finished, and it’s also easy to let the deadline slide when a specific date hasn’t been chosen. If you decide now that you want to quit, then try to set the date of quitting within a month of today.
While there are physical withdrawal symptoms of marijuana, it is not considered physically addicting; however, it is considered psychologically addicting, so using psychological techniques to help break the addiction might be to your advantage.
If you’ve been smoking for a long time, then you’re used to being high. Your mind is used to it, too, and it will want you to continue in that state. When you quit, you’re going to go through a psychological fight to not smoke again. Understand that this is a psychological addiction, though, and it’s a battle you can win.
You’ll also want to get rid of any paraphernalia used to smoke; anything that reminds you of pot, or anything you used to smoke pot, should go.
Prepare yourself, as much as possible, for the physical withdrawal. Anxiety is common in the first stages of this withdrawal. Expect it to be unpleasant; expect to be jittery and on edge. Research what happens during withdrawal so you’ll be prepared mentally for it. For example, insomnia and a loss of appetite are also common in the first week after quitting.
Users who have smoked on a weekly basis should have some symptoms, while daily smokers should certainly prepare themselves for symptoms. In one case, a smoker started when he was 19 and smoked one to six hits a day. He stopped by slowing down the amount of pot he smoked, reducing it to one hit a day for several weeks before he stopped, then one hit every other day for three weeks, then stopped completely. He discovered the following effects when he quit: While he noted that other people’s appetite was affected, his was not. However, he did experience insomnia, getting only five hours of sleep a night; he experienced a general soreness; more to the point, though, he experienced extreme irritability and anxiety. These effects were worse on the fourth day, but entirely lifted between ten to 26 days.
Before implementing any tips, it’s a good idea to do your own research and consult with a physician. Consider, too, therapists and treatment centers, which are available to help overcome addictions.