Alcohol abuse affects security clearance through an adjudication process by many private companies dealing with sensitive information, also with government officials. Listed below are a few sample cases where alcohol abuse affected an applicants chances to get or keep a job at the Department of Defense. Listed first, are three cases where security clearance was denied, in the last two cases the clearance was granted.
Case: Applicant works for a defense contractor. He was arrested in 1998 and in 2007 for driving while intoxicated. He pled guilty to both charges. He did not complete the sentencing requirements ordered by the state court in the second case. Applicant did not disclose the following on his security clearance application: his job terminated in 2006 by his former employer; the three non-judicial punishments he received in the U.S. Army resulting in his administrative discharge for a pattern of misconduct in 2004: and his two arrests. Applicant did not mitigate the alcohol consumption and personal conduct security concerns. Clearance is denied.
Case: Applicant began drinking alcohol in high school. In 2002 and in 2008, he was arrested and charged with driving under the influence of alcohol. He is currently serving probation. Even though abstinence from alcohol is a condition of his probation, he continues to use alcohol and denies that he has an alcohol problem. Applicant failed to mitigate security concerns arising from his alcohol consumption and criminal conduct. Clearance is denied.
Case: Applicant is 46 years old and employed as a Graphic Designer by a defense contractor. His long history of alcohol abuse and poor personal conduct, which includes three arrests and convictions for DUI; and, his use of marijuana while holding a security clearance, clearly demonstrates poor judgment, unreliability and untrustworthiness. There is insufficient evidence in mitigation. Clearance is denied.
Case: Applicant misused his former employer’s company van and was involved in an accident while drunk in 2007. He complied with all subsequent court and alcohol treatment requirements, and demonstrated rehabilitation and mitigation of resulting security concerns. Eligibility for access to classified information is granted.
Case: Applicant is 35 years old and employed as a Program Manager and Consultant for a defense contractor. His history of excessive alcohol abuse to the point of intoxication continued off and on from 2000 to 2005, and resulted in 3 alcohol related arrests and related misconduct. Since then, the Applicant has significantly reduced his drinking and has had no further encounters with law enforcement. There is sufficient evidence of rehabilitation. Clearance is granted.
The above examples of cases involving alcohol abuse demonstrates how easily one can loose their clearance, which affects pay, or how, with due-diligence, maintain their security clearance by keeping up with required treatments and a clean record.