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- ASL or other assistance for hearing impaired
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- Buprenorphine Treatment Centers
- Drug and Alcohol Detox Treatment Centers
- Dual Diagnosis Treatment Centers
- General health services
- Halfway Houses
- Hospital Inpatient Care
- Long Term Drug Rehab and Substance Abuse Care
- Medicaid
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- Mental health services
- Methadone Detoxification Treatment Centers
- Methadone Maintenance Treatment Centers
- Military Insurance (e.g.VA, TRICARE)
- Outpatient care
- Partial hospitalization or day treatment
- Payment assistance (Check with facility for details)
- Private health insurance
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- Short Term Drug Rehab and Substance Abuse Care
- Sliding fee scale (Fee is based on income and other factors)
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- State Financed (other than Medicaid)
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- Substance abuse treatment services
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- programs for people with a dual diagnosis (co-occurring mental and substance abuse disorders)
- programs for pregnant and postpartum women
- programs for seniors and older adults
- programs for women
- programs for young adults
- residential beds are available for clients' children
Located in Laguna Beach, CA, Laguna Beach Recovery provides an unsurpassed dual diagnosis addiction treatment service as well as holistic, residential, inpatient, and intervention services.
998 Glenneyre St, Laguna Beach CA 92651 | |
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Other Facilities Nearby:
- Spencer Recovery Centers Inc Spencer Recovery Center - 1316 South Coast Highway, Laguna Beach CA 92651
- - 312 Broadway St, Laguna Beach CA 92651
- Miramar Recovery - 668 North Coast Highway, Suite 1368, Laguna Beach CA 92651
- - 105 Crescent Bay Dr, Laguna Beach CA 92651
- - South Coast Medical Center, 4th Floor, 31872 Coast Hwy, Laguna Beach CA 92651
See other facilities in Laguna Beach - zipcode 92651