Drug Rehab Comparison (DRC) were excited and proud to announce the expansion of our services , with the publication of our new Addiction and Treatment Guide this week. The DRC team have spent months accumulating the content for this new informative guide. We have combed through our research and articles over the past number of years, considered the information the public needs in order to tackle addiction and from there started compiling our guide. The guide is made up of all our relevant research material, as well as current and up to date information from certified bodies such a the Center for Disease Control, the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence and the National Institute on Drug Abuse.
Our new guide allows visitors to the site to access key information from one easy to read source.
Rather than trawling through our research and articles or entering search after search online, we have gathered the information for you, and now you can access it on our website for free. Often the biggest issue for people suffering from addiction and their families is obtaining the correct information, having a clear understanding of addiction and knowing what steps to take in overcoming it. Often with a lack of information and a limited understanding we can feel helpless and overwhelmed, making tackling a disease as powerful as addiction seem a daunting and impossible task. We have always worked to offer advice and support to people suffering from or as a result of addiction and we want to continue this support and ensure we are meeting the needs of all visitors to our site. Armed with the right information you can go on to work through an addiction, make an informed decision regards recovery and treatment, and set out on the worthwhile path to sobriety.
Another unique and crucial element of our guide is that, not only is it based on comprehensive research but also on the expertise of a dedicated team and the experiences of a team that have a first hand understanding of addiction. The learning and insight from people who have lived with addiction makes our guide specifically catered for the questions both addicts and their families often have. The DRC team is committed to educating and informing individuals and families about addiction so as to meaningfully address this issue and ensure that people have the opportunity to live healthy, happy and sober lives. If you don’t quite understand what addiction is, if you think you or a family member may be addicted or maybe you have accepted your addiction and you don’t know what to do next then this guide will help. It is available right now on our site through FREE download. Please share with others who may be struggling or who you may feel would benefit from this information. We will continue our work to help people and families suffering at the hands of addiction and we are honoured to be able to do this.