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You are here: Facilities Facilities Connecticut Hartford


We found 22 facilities. Look through the listing below ▼ to find a suitable facility.

Alcohol and Drug Recov Ctrs Inc (ADRC) Detoxification Center

500 Blue Hills Avenue, Hartford CT 06112

Alcohol and Drug Recov Ctrs Inc (ADRC) Latino Outpatient

16 Coventry Street, Hartford CT 06112

Alcohol and Drug Recov Ctrs Inc (ADRC) Residential Program/Intensive

500 Blue Hills Avenue, 9th Floor, Hartford CT 06112

Alcohol and Drug Recov Ctrs Inc (ADRC) Residential Program/Intermediate

500 Blue Hills Avenue, 9th Floor, Hartford CT 06112

Community Renewal Team Adult Substance Abuse Outpatient

675 Tower Avenue, Hartford CT 06112

Community Renewal Team Transitional Case Management

675 Tower Avenue, Hartford CT 06112

Community Substance Abuse Centers Ambulatory Detox

55 Fishfry Street, Hartford CT 06120

Hartford Behavioral Health SATEP

1 Main Street, 1st Floor, Hartford CT 06106

Hartford Dispensary Henderson/Johnson Clinic MMTP

12, 14, 16, 18 Weston Street, Hartford CT 06120

Hartford Dispensary

345 Main Street, Hartford CT 06106

Hogar Crea International of CT Inc

33 Center Street, Hartford CT 06120

Hogar Crea Womens Center

164-166 Bartholomew Avenue, Hartford CT 06106

Wheeler Clinic Inc Hartford Outpatient

645 Farmington Avenue, Hartford CT 06105

Youth Challenge of Connecticut Long Term Male Residential Center

15, 17, 19 May Street, Hartford CT 06105

Youth Challenge of Connecticut Mission for Women

32 Atwood Street, Hartford CT 06105
We hope that a suitable facility is listed above. If not please call our toll free number (866) 426-7444 for assistance.
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