Chelsea Handler

Chelsea Handler

On her show Chelsea Handler offered to pay for Lindsay Lohan’s rehab.  Chelsea has a loud mouth, but she is also smart beautiful and  very funny, and I have no doubt she has a very big heart.  Lindsay continues to stay in the throws of her addictions and it seems almost inevitable at this point that she is going to succumb to her disease.  Nobody is immune from the the final ravages of addiction.  I wish Lindsay would take Chelsea up on her offer and I have no doubt Chelsea meant it.  Chelsea did say on condition Lindsay got away from her parents and that is indeed a very good idea.  Lindsay’s parents are a big part of her problem and they keep the dysfunctional family going.  Brittany Spears parents stepped up to become parents and helped her recover her life.  The Lohan’s sadly seem to be completely incapable of that.

Read the report here.  This report calls the offer bizarre I don’t think its bizarre if only Lohan would hear it and take her up on it she might have a shot at life.  Lindsay needs long term treatment and an extended time away from the parents and the influences which keep her in her disease.  We often write about Lindsay Lohan on this blog not because of the salacious details of her public exploits drunk and high but because she is an addict.  We get no satisfaction from her very public life as an addict but instead wish that like so many others who have turned their life around she would get the help she needs and rebuild her life.  We would surely love to write about that if it happens.


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