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Farnum Center Treatment Options
Residential: The Farnum Center’s Residential Service is a 30-day substance abuse treatment program with the capacity to serve 33 adults with primary substance abuse issues or co-occurring mental health and substance use problems. This program is for clients who require the structure and intensive support of a residential setting.
Intensive Outpatient Services: The Intensive Outpatient Services (IOP) program enables adult clients who do not require a residential level of care the opportunity to receive intensive treatment services while fulfilling their daily responsibilities such as parenting, working, or pursuing educational goals. In the first phase of treatment, clients participate in programming four days a week for two and a half hours each day over four weeks. Phase two requires weekly group and individual counseling for ten weeks. The program consists of group psycho-education, group therapy, individual counseling, aftercare planning and case management.
Outpatient Services: Outpatient Services are available to clients who require minimal support, who are transitioning from a higher level of care, or those who need brief services for a specific purpose such as license restoration, court-ordered LADC evaluations or the resolution of personal issues. Outpatient Services consist of individual counseling, group therapy, and or psycho-education classes. Batterer’s Intervention, Anger Management and Women’s Group are examples of specialized group services.
Buprenorphine/Suboxone Clinic: The Farnum Center offers medically supervised outpatient services for opiate addicted clients. Comprehensive telephone screening of referred individuals is completed to identify appropriate candidates for treatment. Clinic participants are required to meet regularly with a psychiatrist who specializes in addiction medicine and is specifically trained in the use of Suboxone. Participation in group counseling is a required program component.
Zachary Road Adolescent Co-Occurring (Dual Diagnosis) Program: Located at the Zachary Road Campus, the Adolescent Co-occurring Program is a ten-bed, thirty to sixty day co-ed residential program for adolescents between the ages of 13-18 who are struggling with substance abuse and mental health issues (dual diagnosis). An interdisciplinary team of professionals with solid experience in the treatment of dual disorders is assigned to each child. Treatment consists of individual, group and family counseling
140 Queen City Avenue, Manchester NH 03103 | |
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Other Facilities Nearby:
- Child and Family Services - 99 Hanover Street, Manchester NH 03105
- Serenity Place NCADD Affiliate - 101 Manchester Street, Manchester NH 03101
- Habit OPCO - 20 Market Street, Manchester NH 03101
- NH Div Alcohol/Drug Abuse Prevention and Recovery Tirrell Halfway House - 15 Brook Street, Manchester NH 03104
- Metro Treatment of New Hampshire LP Manchester Metro Treatment Center - 5 Driving Park Road, Suite A, Manchester NH 03103
See other facilities in Manchester - zipcode 03103