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- Military Insurance (e.g.VA, TRICARE)
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- residential beds are available for clients' children
Pathways is a Nationally Accredited, State Licensed, Non-Profit Organization, founded in 1974 to provide drug and alcohol treatment services. Pathways is committed to providing individualized treatment to those who suffer from drug and alcohol addiction. In our program, we not only treat the addiction, we treat the person as a whole, paying special attention to every aspect of an individual’s addiction through a holistic approach.
Pathways is committed to serving the needs of our clients and their families throughout the addiction recovery process. We will guide you through a process of change in which individuals will improve their health and wellness, learn to live a self directed life, and strive to reach their full potential.
Pathways offers the following services:
- Detoxification Services
- Residential Treatment
- Day Treatment
- Intensive Outpatient Treatment
- Outpatient Treatment
Pathways have two locations:
- Treatment Program - at 2 Ninth Street, Marysville, CA 95901, 530-742-6670
- DUI Program, Prevention and Operations - at 430 Teegarden Avenue, Yuba City, CA 95991, 530-674-4530
Pathways is an In-network provider for most insurance companies which allows us to provide services with the lowest co-pay percentages possible, saving you money. Visit their website for more information.
430 Teagarden Avenue, Yuba City CA 95991 | |
2 9th Street, Marysville CA 95901 | |
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Other Facilities Nearby:
- Aegis Medical Systems Inc - 320 H Street, Suite 2, Marysville CA 95901
- The Salvation Army Depot Family Crisis Center - 408 J Street, Marysville CA 95901
- Addiction Treatment Serv of Marysville (ATS) - 1496 North Beale Road, Marysville CA 95901
- Sutter Yuba Mental Health Services Options for Change - 1965 Live Oak Boulevard, Yuba City CA 95991
- First Steps - 1251 East Onstott Road, Yuba City CA 95991
See other facilities in Marysville - zipcode 95991