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- residential beds are available for clients' children
Community/Family Counseling Programs is located in Los Angeles, California, it provides Outpatient care with a primary focus on Dual Diagnosis. Services provided includes Substance Abuse Treatment. Special programs available include Programs for Young Adults and Programs for Addicted Criminal Justice Clients.
634 South Spring Street,Suite 717, Los Angeles CA 90014 | |
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Other Facilities Nearby:
- Volunteers of America of Los Angeles Veterans Transitional Housing - 622 South Wall Street, Los Angeles CA 90014
- Volunteers of America Outpatient Treatment - 544 South San Pedro, Los Angeles CA 90013
- Los Angeles Centers for Alc/Drug Abuse (LACADA) Downtown - 612 East 4th Street, Los Angeles CA 90013
- Veterans Affairs Outpatient Clinic Opiate Treatment Program - 351 East Temple Street, Unit 11-C, Los Angeles CA 90012
- United American Indian Involvement - 1125 West 6th Street, Suite 103, Los Angeles CA 90017
See other facilities in Los Angeles - zipcode 90014