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- Long Term Drug Rehab and Substance Abuse Care
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- Methadone Detoxification Treatment Centers
- Methadone Maintenance Treatment Centers
- Military Insurance (e.g.VA, TRICARE)
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- Substance abuse treatment services
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- programs for people with a dual diagnosis (co-occurring mental and substance abuse disorders)
- programs for pregnant and postpartum women
- programs for seniors and older adults
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- programs for young adults
- residential beds are available for clients' children
Located in Laguna Niguel, American Drug Rehab Centers Laguna Niguel CA seeks to provide relief through custom and tailored treatment plans for either 30, 60 or 90 days in their luxurious facilities. Operating as a dual diagnosis treatment facility, treatment involves detox followed by sober social modes of care to foster self reliance.
28281 Crown Valley Pkwy, Laguna Niguel CA 92677 | |
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Other Facilities Nearby:
- Wel Mor Psychological Group Inc DBA South Coast Counseling and Psych - 26041 Cape Drive, Suite 130, Laguna Niguel CA 92677
- Orange County Healthcare Agency Alcohol/Drug Abuse Services/AlisoViejo - 5 Mareblu Street, Suite 100, Aliso Viejo CA 92656
- - 30131 Town Center Dr, Laguna Niguel CA 92677
- - 26800 Aliso Viejo Pkwy, Aliso Viejo CA 92656
- - 145 Columbia, Aliso Viejo CA 92656
See other facilities in Laguna Niguel - zipcode 92677