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- residential beds are available for clients' children
ASAP Counseling Center HQ US Army Alaska is located in Fort Richardson, Alaska, it provides Outpatient care with a primary focus on Substance Abuse. Services provided includes Substance Abuse Treatment. Special programs available include Programs for Dual Diagnosis, Programs for Women, Programs for Men, DUI and DWI offenders and Programs for Addicted Criminal Justice Clients.
600 Richardson Drive,Building 658, Fort Richardson AK 99505 | |
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Other Facilities Nearby:
- Alaska VA Healthcare Sys/Reg Office Social and Behavioral Health Service - 1201 North Muldoon Road, Anchorage AK 99504
- Recovery Connection - 500 Muldoon Road, Suite 9, Anchorage AK 99504
- Southcentral Foundation Dena A Coy - 4130 San Ernesto Avenue, Anchorage AK 99508
- Volunteers of America Alaska ARCH - 8012 Stewart Mountain Drive, Eagle River AK 99577
- Booth Memorial Youth and Family Services - 3600 East 20th Avenue, Anchorage AK 99508
See other facilities in Fort Richardson - zipcode 99505