Dr. Nathan Kuemmerle was arrested for selling illegally prescriptions of drugs to people who do not need the drugs. He actually only got caught because he decided that he needed to run his mouth off about how many celebrity clients he had, and how he was the doctor to many A-List celebrities. If this is how they caught him, they should probably look into the things other celebrity doctors are doing. Often times when he prescribed the drugs for these stars he didn’t even give them an examination first, but would just write up the prescriptions, showing it wasn’t that he was even interested in their health, just their fame and money. Which celebrities they were is unknown, but the names may be released in further court hearings.
Prescription drugs are a growing problem not just with celebrities, but also with common people. While this video is a little older it has some good information on what prescription drug abuse looks like and what you will need to do if you want to break it.