Methamphetamine is one of the most dangerous drugs on the streets today.  Addiction is almost inevitable after only a few usages and the physical and psychological consequences are extreme. The initial pleasure that some people feel after the first or second time of use is quickly diminished and eventually ceases to occur at all. However, by this point the addiction has already kicked in and the addict now needs the drug simply to function. The physical damages done by this drug and addiction to it are easy to identify and one of the common symptoms is horrible skin as well as rotted and sometimes missing teeth. The addict’s appearance is unnaturally aged and scabbed over scratch marks are frequent. This doesn’t paint a pretty picture and the imagery is disturbing. It’s supposed to be because this is a drug that should never be experimented with and information on it cannot be overly presented.

Once an addiction is recognized, deciding how to treat it becomes the next important step. Addicts to this drug are extremely unlikely to seek treatment and are some of the most likely to relapse once treatment has been received. In addition, the drug is so damaging that many people find themselves to be a shell of their former self and this contributes to a sense of hopelessness that leads back to use. Treatment for this addiction has two basic approach perspectives. One of the programs incorporates a multi-level matrix approach and uses positive reinforcement. It generally combines individual and group therapy sessions at a rate of approximately three times a week for thirty six weeks. Continued support by twelve step programs is also recommended. The use of medication in dealing with meth treatment and withdrawal is complicated because an effective drug to reduce the life threatening symptoms of overdose doesn’t exist. Nor does a drug to deal with all of the psychological damages and paranoia as well as violent behaviors that are associated with early cessation. Treatment for methamphetamine is a complicated process and research into improving methodology is ongoing.

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