A brave Mother has released a picture of her dying son to create awareness of the lethal dangers of Legal Highs. Wikipedia defines legal highs as intoxicants which are not prohibited by drug laws.  For definition click here.  In the United Kingdom a company called Skunkworks sell these drugs legally in the high street. A shocking example of this is a new store which they have opened next to a drug rehab charity http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/uk-skunkworks-britains-fastest-growing-legal-2366249

The mother Karen Audino is calling for a ban on these drugs and has set up a campaign to highlight the dangers.  This picture will break the heart of any parent who thinks their child is safe from illegal drugs.

Legal High

Mother releases picture of her dying son to highlight the dangers of legal highs

This promotional  video by Cheri Lunghi describes the horrors of “Legal Highs” very graphically.

You can download a parents handbook to help you understand this danger and learn how to protect your children from these life threatening drugs. http://www.angelusfoundation.com/parents/

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